Thursday, November 11, 2010

Paul Bryers…


Paul and Samir

God showered us with His Presence these last days.  We were constantly reminded, without any words, that Himself in us make us holier, day by day, from glory to glory.  All of the people who had the pleasure of meeting Pastor Paul echoed the same, “How much could we learn about God from Pastor Paul!” Everyone was deeply impressed by his humility in action, he could drive a point in Scriptures wih such simplicity and profoundity at the same time, that you could hear the silent.

Pastor Paul teaching one of the sessions

Pastor Paul did a Spiritual Gifts Seminar, it was a blast. We had 103 people attending it. In every circle, for days, the talk was around which spiritial gifts scored higher or lower, the church really enjoyed the process of discovering the gifts. It was crucial to our organization as the Body of Christ. We will be working on a data system so we can use all of the people in their gifting. Please, pray that we can develop something useful with the information we gathered.

ultimo domingo do pastor Paul 24 10 2010

Last Sunday in Bom Retiro…We are all looking foward to next year!!

Saibreira´s Little Church


On the outskirts of Bom Retiro do Sul, in Saibreira (Cascalheira, place of the little rocks), we´ve been building a little church building.  These great men have been working faithfully after work hours and holidays. Praise the Lord for their lives.  Please, pray for the people of Saibreira, so they will accept the Gospel of Our Lord with all understanding.  Also, to us, the workers, so we can be living examples of God´s Presence on earth.


Hope Chapel Bom Retiro´s Church Building


Here Jonas again,he and his young daughter. She is always playing around him…If he is not building Saibreira´s Church, he is working in Hope Chapel Bom Retiro´s building.



Please, pray for resources and volunteers, since all the work nowdays is done by volunteers.